J2 DIY: "The McGangbang"

Nothing satisfies hangovers and the munchies more than greasy, fattening, bio hazardous food. I love food. I love food even more when I need to cure a hangover or succumb to the munchies. I hate McDonalds. In fact, before the holidays, I hadn't touched the stuff in months. But when you have the munchies, you'd eat just about anything. And as such, our "4th on 4th Crew" decided we should have the "McGangbang".

J2's "How to make a McGangbang" 

Step 1
Munchies? Hangover? Or simply cannot decide what to order off the McDonald's menu? Buy yourself a Big Mac and a McChicken.

Step 2
Take off the top portion of the Big Mac. The first "all-beef" patty and the bun. If you have a double Big Mac, you may remove the top bun and both patties.

Step 3
Take the McChicken out of the box.

Step 4
Place the McChicken in it's entirety on top of the base of the Big Mac and complete the assembly by placing the top portion of the Big Mac on top.

Step 5

There it is, the McGangbang.
Multiple layers of McAwesome! 
Cure your craving and enjoy it as much as I did.


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